Monday 26 May 2008

Gerard Depardieu Fined Over Paparazzi Clash

French film star Gerard Depardieu has been fined 800 euro (US$1,270) by an Italian court, after he was found guilty of head-butting a photographer. Depardieu, who was nominated for an Oscar in 1990 for his leading role ‘Cyrano de Bergerac’, was not present at the court hearing, but was ordered to pay the fine for "injuries and threats against Dario Orlandi" for an incident that occurred in 2005. The 59-year-old actor was found to have assaulted the journalist, after being photographed shopping in a southern Italian city with a young woman. Orlandi told the court that Depardieu had signalled to him to come closer and then, without warning, smacked his forehead on Orlandi's nose, rendering Orlandi unable to work for four days. Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics.